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About Wide Format Online

Mutoh XJ1462UFglasses L1035652 WQ
Wide Format UV is extending its reach into industrial and object marking, such as this Mutoh device printing sunglasses frames at FESPA 2023


WFOL GIF re sizedWide Format Online has been Australia & New Zealand’s go-to webzine and newsletters since it started in 2005


We publish industry newsletters every Tuesday and Thursday, plus the 24/7 website. With Covid from 2019, the subscriber list has gone up and down but this has been balanced by more Commercial and Packaging printers getting into Wide Format technology. Also, a recent drive into the Pacific Islands where Signage, Display and Textile producers are rapidly adopting the latest technology and producing great work, has increased readership.

Wide Format Online is a free publication to industry members. We also strongly support industry associations such as ASGA, NZSDA, FESPA Australia, Visual Connections the LIA and others.

E: andy@wideformatonline.com